Taking Back Control Over Your Bookkeeping


It’s finally spring here at the Hamilton Bookkeeping office, and we’re starting to open the windows and leave our 10-pound parkas at home. In this season that promises growth and warm weather, it’s easy to forget those New Year’s resolutions that you made just a few months ago. After all, we all said we’d get into better shape and take up wind chime making. Oh, you didn’t? Maybe that’s just me then.

But how about getting your finances in order? Have you ventured a gander through the stacks of bills, receipts, and invoices that are quietly growing on your desk yet? It’s completely normal if you haven’t. According to AccountingWeb, fraud and error within the accounting department are common problems for small businesses, since the bookkeeper usually wears multiple hats; it can be easy to procrastinate simply because there is so much to do.

Everyone in this situation suffers from the same nightmare: You’re at standing in your business or your home, surrounded by a chaotic mess of papers, trying to how you stand financially to employees or maybe a spouse. You get sweaty palms just thinking about how totally incompetent you’ll look, how those who depend on you will be disappointed, and how your reputation will be tarnished. At Hamilton Bookkeeping, we understand how intimidating and embarrassing this situation can feel.

Procrastinating your bookkeeping by doing other tasks instead (and let’s be honest, you have pleeeenty of those to fill up your whole day) is an instant relief. But, in addition to causing some long anxiety-ridden nights of staring at the ceiling, procrastination will almost always consume more time, energy, and money than actually sitting down and tackling your finances does.

It’s time to stop letting the nightmare taunt you: This is your business, and your life. You’ve worked hard to get where you are now and bookkeeping is supposed to aid, not hinder your continued success. So keep your chin up, grab a cup of coffee, and take the first step on the journey, courtesy of Michael Neenan at the Centre for REBT, that will lead you back to your financial confidence.

  •  Step one: Confront your emotions. How does bookkeeping make you feel? Frustrated? Unsure? Say to yourself, ‘It’s normal to feel this way. But the more work on my bookkeeping, the better I’ll feel.’ Actually say it out loud. Commit to it. Announce it over the loudspeaker at work, tell your mother, call yourself and leave it on your voicemail. ‘You see the problem, you acknowledge it, and now you are going to do something about it.


  • Step two: Write down some attainable short term goals that contribute to your long term ones. Maybe you’ll sort all the papers on your desk by type (invoices, bills, receipts, etc.) by Wednesday. Then by the end of the week you’ll sign yourself up for a QuickBooks® class. This is simpler and easier than, “I will figure out all my bookkeeping and solve all my problems by the end of the month” (Yikes, how would you even start?!).


  • Step three: Commit. Many of us have a hard time committing to what movie we want to see, let alone to maintaining our bookkeeping, so it’s important to remind yourself why you need to. Try developing a mantra to keep yourself in check. If good bookkeeping reduces your stress, yours might be, “My mental health and sense of well-being are too important to risk by putting this aside”. Remind yourself what would be lost if you let your bookkeeping go.

Remember that if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or even embarrassed by the current state of your bookkeeping, you are not alone. Hamilton Bookkeeping has helped many people like yourself regain their financial confidence. We want to help you out and cheer you on, because we know you can do it! Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call us at 978-468-1661 or check us out at https://hamiltonbookkeeping.com to schedule a QuickBooks® training session or complimentary consultation. We’re looking forward to speaking with you!






